The World of Specialty Coffees

Exploring the Core Differences in Coffee from Different Continents and the World of Speciality Coffees

Coffee, a daily staple for millions of people worldwide, is a beloved beverage that varies in taste, aroma, and
flavor depending on its origin. At Lovisa Kafferosteri, we strive to bring you the most exceptional coffee beans
from different continents to help you discover the unique characteristics of each region. In this article, we
delve into the core differences between coffees from various continents and provide an insight into the world of
specialty coffees.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Coffees from different continents exhibit distinct taste profiles and characteristics.
  2. Specialty coffees emphasize quality, sustainability, and traceability of coffee beans.
  3. Purchasing specialty coffee from Lovisa Kafferosteri supports the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and
    promotes environmentally friendly practices.

Coffees from Different Continents:

  • African Coffee: African coffee, particularly from Ethiopia and Kenya, is well-known for its
    fruity, wine-like flavors, bright acidity, and floral notes. Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, produces
    unique heirloom varieties that contribute to complex, layered flavors.
  • South American Coffee: This continent is renowned for its coffee production, with Brazil and
    Colombia being the largest producers. South American coffee typically features nutty, chocolatey notes,
    with a balanced body and mild acidity. Colombian coffee is famous for its rich, full-bodied taste and
    bright, fruity flavors.
  • Central American Coffee: Coffees from countries like Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Honduras
    have a reputation for their balanced acidity, medium body, and fruity, citrusy notes. These beans often
    exhibit a delightful sweetness with hints of caramel, chocolate, or toffee.
  • Asian Coffee: Known for their earthy, bold flavors, Asian coffees (e.g., from Indonesia and
    Vietnam) often boast a full body and low acidity. Sumatran coffee, for example, exhibits a complex, spicy
    profile with earthy, herbal undertones.

Basics of Specialty Coffees:

Specialty coffee refers to high-quality coffee beans that have been carefully selected, grown, and processed to
ensure exceptional taste and flavor. Here are the essential characteristics of specialty coffees:

  • Quality: Specialty coffee beans are graded on a 100-point scale, with a minimum score of 80
    required to be considered “specialty.” These beans have minimal defects and exhibit unique flavors, acidity,
    body, and balance.
  • Sustainability:Environmentally friendly practices are crucial in the production of specialty coffees. This often includes shade-grown coffee, which supports biodiversity and reduces the need for pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Traceability:
  • Knowing the origin of coffee beans is vital in the specialty coffee industry. This allows roasters and consumers to understand the unique flavors and characteristics of the beans while supporting fair trade and ethical sourcing practices.

By purchasing specialty coffee from Lovisa Kafferosteri, you not only treat yourself to an exceptional cup of coffee, but you also contribute to a sustainable future for the coffee industry. Our carefully curated selection of coffee beans from different continents allows you to explore the rich diversity of coffee flavors while supporting small-scale farmers and environmentally friendly practices. Visit our online shop at to discover and indulge in the exquisite world of specialty coffees today.

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